Some families make paper chains as a way to count down the days until Daddy or Mommy returns. I noticed TripleE had a "donut of misery." (Now, if that won't put you off donuts, I don't know what will!) Leave it to Hubs to come up with his own caffienated version.
Hubs had been in the habit of returning from the chow hall with one or two cans of Dr. Pepper to see him through his shift. During his R&R, his coworkers continued the tradition and filled his office space with Dr. Peppers. He said they covered his desk and a lot of other surfaces. Well, I guess so, since he counted well over 100. Actually, I think he said it was more than 120! He did some calculating and decided he had enough to have one each day before redeploying back home, plus quite a few extras. Due to his extreme love of caffiene, all of the "extras" are long gone. But his count-down stacks of Dr. Pepper are still in place and woe to anyone who tries to take one, messing up the count-down.
That's certainly a new way to count down! Hey...whatever works!
That is very cool. My husband had a commander that required one ginger ale and a snack packet of crispy cheetos every afternoon at 3:30.
Very concrete way to count it down. How many Dps are left?
That "donut of misery" is a bummer. The visual looks hopeful, but the name.... I guess you have to call it what it is!
Hope your countdown isn't a bottle of Excedrin PM!
That a good way to count down...
I didn't name my donut...I found the program and it was already named "Donut of Misery" ...being too lazy to change it, I kept it.
I'll probably do a paper chain with the kids when the chain isn't long enough to stretch the length of the house.
Boys are so funny. But I like that way of counting. Much better than simply crossing the days off the calendar like I do.
that is a great way to keep track. I would break down and have 2 though....
He's a Pepper!
Okay, someone had to say it.
I love that idea! What a wonderful way to count down.
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