Monday, September 17, 2012

The things we do for love...

 For some reason, my youngest is fascinated obsessed with Egypt.  At 7, she would tell anyone that would listen all about the ancient Egyptians embalming procedures.  Seriously.

Since we moved here a year ago, she has been begging me to paint her room.  This turned into wanting a mural of Eypt in her room.  Yeah, that wasn't going to happen. 

So my compromise was to paint her a faux mini mural.  It had to be flat enough to fit against her wall but also large enough to make her feel  she was getting a mural.  Thankfully, her room is tiny.
I used one of those tri-fold cardboard science fair boards and acrylic craft pain.  Voila.  She has her painting.
If I were going to do this again, I'd probably just go ahead and get the canvas board instead.  

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