Thursday, February 26, 2009

Warning: another poop story

Unlike The Mrs., whose little ones are still quite little, my girls are 8 and 4. I potty-trained the last one around 1-1/2 years ago. One would think my days of poop stories are over. One would be wrong.

Trying to get either of the girls to close the door while in the bathroom seems to be a losing battle. This becomes more of an issue when we have a guest or are at someone else's home. But that's not what this post is about. The other morning, Big Sis was having some, ahem, issues with evacuation. Meanwhile, L'il Sis was in the outer chamber of their bathroom (door between them open, of course) cheering her on with, "Push it out! Push it out! Yay, Big Sis!"

I guess I should be grateful there was some sisterly solidarity there.


Brando said...

At least they're supportive of each other!

Anonymous said...

Tell Big Sis she's awfully special. Very few people have their own personal poop cheerleaders!

Jody said...

Again, too funny! That is some serious sisterly bonding.

Linda said...

Cheering for!

loqi said...

Hahahahahahaha! Thanks for the laugh-out-loud moment! :-D

Mike Mcmillan said...

I eenjoyed reading your post