Friday, April 17, 2009

New Orleans, N'Awlins...

So Stretch had to go for work and it was my birthday... so I tagged along while my mother kept the girls. The first 2 days, I was on my own to explore the French Quarter (and it's shops). I even found a pair of dragonfly earrings. Here's a sample of a few of the sights:


and after! Yum!


Penny said...

You were in my hometown!! Aww, I wish I'd known! hehe.. Hope you enjoyed your time here! :)

The Mrs. said...

great pictures! It never works out to go along with flyboy and really I dont have much desire to hang out in Yuma for a month or so!

Amy said...

LOVE New Orleans!So glad you got to go.

liberal army wife said...

Oh ---- beignets! oh... whimper...