L'il Sis just wanted to play in the sand although she insisted on her bathing suit before we even left the car. At one point, she was rolling around in it. Yes, she was. She should be well exfoliated tonight. Despite all efforts from Grammy, Mommy and Big Sis, L'il Sis wanted nothing to do with the water. In fact, see the picture of her in a bucket? The bucket had water in it and that was about as close as she intended to get to the ocean.
After about an hour and a half, she finally got brave enough to let her toes get wet. She got knocked on her butt a few minutes later and then insisted on holding my hand. Less than half an hour later, there was no stopping her. She kept wandering away, not so much deeper as sideways from me. Getting braver and braver, nonetheless. Both had a great time. I got a bit of a sunburn.
I clicked over from SpouseBUZZ...I love all the photos....we moved from Georgia and now we are land locked.
And yes, all us First borns need to be right. I just thought it was me! :)
They are so cute! Looks like a great day!
Oh my goodness. Your girls are adorable. Love the swimsuits!
Also love your new blog header. Very pretty!
Maeve is so pretty with her missing teeth! I love that second picture of her looking over her shoulder at you. I wish we had a beach around here. We're on second day in a row of the waterpark this week and I'm tired of concrete beaches. :( I envy your travel as a military spouse, but only sometimes.
Thanks for the picture updates.
I'm with Lil Sis.....LOVE the beach....the ocean....NOT SO MUCH!
I always get a sunburn...this pasty skin can cook under SPF 50! :)
Oh how adorable they are!! That's one thing I really miss about So. Cal.. THE BEACH!!!!
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