Sunday, June 03, 2007

Smile.... It's catching

I'd been having a bit of a crap afternoon. Plus, it was rainy. The girls and I were coming back onto the base when I noticed that one of the Marine sentries seemed to be having a great day and wanted to share his enthusiasm. As he waved each vehicle onto the base, he gave them a warm, "Have a great day!" When our turn came, we had to wait a bit for a car that needed to cross our lane to turn around. Then the Marine waved us in, saluted, and shouted out, "Have a fan-TAS-tic day, ma'am!" My mood immediately lifted.

I commented that the Marine had a lot of enthusiasm. My 6 year old, in a supremely patient voice used to speak to the mentally challenged, "That's what Marines do...sometimes." But then, this is the same child who told my sister (as they were coming back onto base and my sister was looking for her ID), "Don't worry. I know them. They always let me in."


Amy75 said...

Ahhh, reading this made me smile! I've been in a bit of a crap mood myself, so I needed it! Thanks ; )

Meredith said...

Amazing how infectious happiness is (luckily much more infectious than TB!)...

Patience is infectious, too, glad to hear your child has it. My elder child hasn't caught that.