I had a lovely chat with the girls' assistant principal this morning. (It would have been with the principal but she's out until next week.) I explained to her how rude and condescending their registrar had been with me yesterday about obtaining records for my kids to hand-carry to their next school (4th for the soon-to-be 5th grader and 2nd for the one going into 1st grade). I went on to tell her that the registrar had initially informed me that they didn't give out copies of records. Then she backtracked and said that if they did, they'd have to charge for them. I told her I'd be happy to pay for the copies. Then she said that it was too "time-consuming," she'd be gone for 2 weeks after school let out, and that it would be mid-July before she could get to it.
Um. No.
I checked the policy and they are required to provide me with copies of anything in my kids' records that I ask for within 30 days of my request. Oh, and I don't really care how inconvenient it might be for her to do her job.
Where do people get off with that kind of attitude? Um, hello...isn't that your JOB?
Sara, she wasn't happy with the attitude issue. At all. She also assured me I WOULD be getting everything I was asking for ASAP.
Amy, exactly!
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