Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Just let it go...

We've been having a strange problem here in the land of "Now what?" Our youngest just turned 3. She doesn't particularly want to be a big girl or learn to use a potty. No, that's not the strange part. She has some serious bladder control. Just last month, she amazed both me and my friend that we were staying with when she held it for over 9 hours. But this hoarding of her urine has led to another nasty problem. It caused a UTI over the weekend. She was only going once or twice in each 24-hour period. So now she is REALLY afraid to just "let it go." The only bright side is that she seems to enjoy taking her antibiotics (knock on wood). But seriously, if anyone out there has any suggestions on getting her to drink more and "let go" more often, I'm all ears!

1 comment:

Queen of the Mayhem said...

Junior Mayhem gave me fits when it came to potty training....I MEAN FITS!!!!! I started using M&M's and that helped tremendously. I bought the little snack sized bags and gave him some whenever he would go....then we slowly trailed that off when he started going with regularity. GOOD LUCK!