Monday, May 11, 2009

Principal calling...

Big Sis' principal called me this morning. She had Big Sis in her office. Considering her attitude issues lately, I first closed my eyes and inwardly groaned wondering what she had done. Apparently, Big Sis had entered her principal's office nervously wondering the same thing.

It turns out she is something of a hero today. Another little girl had brought something to school that she shouldn't have. Big Sis saw it and quietly told her teacher. The principal made a big fuss over her and how responsible she had been in doing the right thing. The school's police officer told her he was going to buy her lunch today. Big Sis told the principal that her dad is a Marine and therefore would be especially proud of her. And then the principal called to tell me about it and let Big Sis talk to me as well. I haven't gotten the full story yet but it seems the item in question was a knife. In third grade, people!

It looks like I'll be taking Big Sis to the ice cream parlor for a treat today.

Update: Big Sis is a girl after my own heart. She decided to forgo ice cream and we went to the bookstore instead.


Jody said...

Way to go Big Sis! I am so stinkin' proud of that child!! It is so hard to stand up and do the right thing and you and Stretch have managed to raise a child that isn't afraid to do just that! You should give yourselves a pat on the back while you are at it!

Meredith said...

Woohoo Big Sis! Smart and responsible, that's her.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to Big Sis, especially having the forethought to do it quietly.

loqi said...

Big S is definitely my kind of girl too -- a book lasts longer than an ice cream cone. :)